In Matt Reeves' The Batman, we see his iteration unfold as a noir detective story. Seeing a young and inexperienced Bruce Wayne, he is still growing into the full-fledged Batman. Prowling around Gotham City, his Batsuit and all its gadgets has yet to be perfected. Paying close attention to this costume, JND went for screen-accuracy with this statue.
Newly part of JND, this is artist Gox's debut project who was supported by head artist Kojun and the rest of the team. Being JND's 8th project, Batman and Bruce Wayne of The Batman (2022) were created with a newly developed silicone painting technique. Standing nearly 28" tall, this hyperreal collectible is an incredible addition to any Batman collection.
Product Specifications:
- One (1) main body
- One (1) silicone head, including glass eyes and rooted hair
- One (1) Cowl portrait, with glass eyes and silicone face and rooted stuble.
- One (1) uniquely designed base
- One (1) extra base to display the extra portrait
Product Size: 71 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm